Cancer Alliance Stigma Survey

Cancer stigma is a great problem in South Africa, it touches all groups, ages and genders and impacts cancer patients daily.

With our current survey we aim to gain more information and insight into the role of cancer stigma in our communities.

- Cancer Alliance Stigma Survey -

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  • Often the journey through cancer can be lonely and confusing. You need clarity and peace of mind!

  • We help patients lighten the load during their cancer journey.

  • A helping hand...

  • Positive steps to take control of your situation, to help yourself heal.

  • We are dedicated to help you face the journey

  • to find a cancer buddy...


Kleure teen Kanker

Monday, September 09, 2013

Duisende ballonne word gister by Unisa se hoofkampus in Pretoria as deel van Cancervive, ’n kankerbewusmakingsveldtog, losgelaat.

Die veldtog is ’n projek deur kankeroorwinnaars en die nie-winsgewende organisasie People Living with Cancer.

Nadat die ballonne losgelaat is, het honderde studente aan ’n pretloop, begelei deur 30 kankeroorwinnaars op motorfietse, deelgeneem.

Die motorfietsryers het toe as deel van die jaarlikse week lange kankerbewusmakingsveldtog na Kaapstad vertrek.

Die Beeld . Saterdag 7 September 2013

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